Hiking, Vlogs and Getting Thoughts in Order
Vlog - Episode 1 - Musings from a Mossy Bench
This may seem completely off-topic but it'll all make sense in a bit.
I love hiking. Amongst many things, to me, it's both a means of escape and a way to focus. It's a perfect antidote to being sat at a desk, stuck in front of a computer and monitor for hours on end. It keeps me fit, helps me sleep and function better.
I live and breathe music, sound, and its production pretty much all of the time and thought it would be an interesting idea to start a series of Vlogs when I'm out and about.
They may prove to be useful to others, they may not, but in any case, I'm doing it just to get some of these thoughts down.
Now, I'm not a film maker of any kind so they will be very rough around the edges but, hopefully some interesting insights will come out of them.