Breaking Free: Why I Deleted My X (Formerly Twitter) Account

Breaking Free

Social media platforms are an important part of life, connecting us to friends, family, interests and the wider world. But what happens when these platforms no longer serve us and affect our well-being? 

Let's find out!

“So, today I took the decision to remove my X (formerly Twitter) account. I've been on there for just over 15 years and I've met some outstanding people who share the same love for music, and audio. Many are at the top of their game. The decision to remove my account wasn’t taken lightly but, it was on my mind for a number of months.”

We’ve all been there - the endless scrolling, the comparison trap, the negativity that seeps through our screens. Social media can be a double-edged sword, offering connection while also exposing us to toxicity. It was the latter that broke me and my relationship with the platform. 

"I had to break in order to break free."

Toxicity and the Timeline

“I run a music and audio production business. Everything I ever did on (X) was related to that - nothing else. Lately, I’ve seen things on there which I can only regard as triggering. Without any need or desire to seek it, I've witnessed all sorts. I'm not going into details, because what I've witnessed on there was vile! Filters don't help, reporting won't help. I simply came to the conclusion that I cannot allow myself to be present on a platform which, not only contains so much hate and division but, actively pushes it onto one’s time line. It's completely at odds with my moral compass and my business values”

Hate speech, misinformation, and cyberbullying—these elements pervade social media. The algorithmic nature of a timeline ensures that even if we don’t actively seek negativity, it finds us. It infiltrates our mental space, affecting our well-being.

Deleting my account became a mixed act of self-preservation and rebellion. 


“Engagement was dead!”

Once upon a time, social media promised meaningful interactions, and for a time, it did. Now, it’s a battleground for likes, shares, retweets and one way engagements. Genuine conversations are drowned out by noise. I felt trapped in a cycle of seeking validation through virtual applause.

I need those real connections back. Deleting my account will allow me to reclaim some time and re-invest in those authentic, human relationships. Don't get me wrong, I've made some good friends there over the years and there are some awesome people doing awesome things yet, I need to move on - move forward. 

Balance, Equality, and Peace

“I’m all about balance, equality, peace and above all, being kind.”

These values guide my life. They are my moral compass. Social media, unfortunately, can disrupt this balance. It amplifies extremes, polarises opinions, and widens gaps.

We all have different opinions and views and being able to talk about these without fear of retribution is something that I hold dear. By taking a small step back, I seek equilibrium—a chance to engage with diverse perspectives without the noise of algorithms, diminishing those human values. 

The Way Forward

“I’m still very much active on Social Media. In fact, I’m undergoing a much-needed review of my strategy and my approach to all of this will be changing over the coming months, but, I'll be placing wellbeing at the forefront of any strategy going forward.”

Perhaps, my goal in all of this is to find a healthier relationship with the virtual world where I can thrive, without fear, and do all of those things that I'm supposed to be doing.

This is just my perspective and based purely on my own experiences. Everyone's relationship with social media is unique. Whatever you do on Social Media, one tip from my learned experience is to prioritise your mental health and seek balance above all else. 

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